sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2015

In many ways

In many ways                      
I'll miss everything.
Everything in you          
The natural way you walk,
look at me with your vast green eyes
The way you can make me shy easily,
Only 'cause you told some of our little things to our friends.
The way you let me
weak and sensitive
and with the words stucked in throat
The way you make me afraid of losing you and to say that
I love you.
And also the way you make me feel like right now:
Sitting in silence in the wrong room waiting for the right person
who'll never come.
You'll never come.

                                              Lucas Santos, 07.10.2015

quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2015


I'd love to make an album
with all the sad pictures of our existence,
'cause if i need to look back,
I'd probably smile and cry,
I'd probably won't regret.
This is the easily way to lead my stuff,
lying to me.
Otherwise i am not being myself
and I probably would tell you a true love story
and true love stories never had space in my poetry.
But maybe it's time to change that routine and simply say:
Living is being with you, the rest is wait.
I cannot wait.

                                     Lucas Santos, 25/11/2015.